Welcome to my blog about transcending the self. Instead of using the mind to fix or control your world so that you can be happy, there is another way. This blog is about moving your awareness from your limited, egoic-self to your Higher Self in order that you can be the divine expression that you were intended to be.

Many of my beliefs are based on the books "The Untethered Soul" (T.U.S.) by Michael Singer and "Falling into Grace" by Adyashanti. These books describe the path of moving your awareness from the part of you that tries to make your life work (ie, find happiness, security, love...) to the part of you that Witnesses or Watches your life unfold and your reactions to your life. As you become more aware of yourself as the Watcher, and you let go of the energies of the lower self, you will be moving towards greater freedom.

So instead of struggling to make everything go your way in life, why not accept what is (release the need to fix or control people, situations or your mind), open your heart and surrender to That Which Created Life in the first place! In other words, go with the flow of life and watch the amazing miracle that you are blossom! Please join me in choosing to move beyond the limitations of the personal self and to live a life of freedom.

To get the most out of this blog, I suggest that you read the books. I also recommend the CDs by Michael Singer (see the website below). I post on this blog about once a week. If you would like to be notified by email each time I post please send your email address to donnamccullough@cox.net.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Transcending the self in a nutshell!

Here is a summary of how I would describe this path of transcending the self based on the teachings of Michael Singer:  First you accept what is happening in your life at the moment, including your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, behaviors...  Then you move you awareness to the part of you that is watching or witnessing your thoughts, feelings etc.  While your awareness is on the Watcher you notice the thoughts and feelings, take a deep breath, open your heart and let them go. 

In some cases I have found that the feelings immediately release with the breath.  In other situations (deeper, more painful feelings) I have found that the feelings do not diminish.  In these situations I work to keep my awareness on the Watcher.  I accept the pain (frustration or whatever), but I know that it is not me, it is an experience that I am having and it will pass. 

The goal here is not to learn how to avoid feelings.  The goal is to transcend the self by allowing life to happen without attaching to it.  A part of this goal is to also allow stored energies from the past to come to the surface so that they can be released. 

Ultimately this path leads one to their true or highest Self (the part of them that is connected with the Universe or God).

I will expand on each of these steps in future postings.


  1. are there any 'tricks' to becoming the observer when the feelings at the time are so intense one is completely involved in them?

  2. Accept that for the moment you are stuck in the feelings. If you resist this then you will be putting all of your energy into resisting the feelings. You want the energy to flow through you, so take some deep breaths and open your heart.

    What I find to be helpful is to "set the intention" to become the observer. This could take the form of a deep conviction within yourself such as "I am choosing to observe and let the feelings be." If you REALLY, REALLY want to be the observer and you keep setting that intention, I believe at some point it will unfold. Stay with that conviction each and every time you notice that you are involved in the feelilngs (while staying relaxed and keeping your heart open.

    Or the intention could take the form of a prayer "God I give this situation to you. I am stuck in these feelings. I surrender them to you and I choose to move my awareness to the observer."

    Another idea is gratitude. Gratitude is a great way yo get unstuck. If you can be honestly grateful for this situation (try this thought on: The bigger the struggle the greater the reward at the end. So if the feelings are really strong than there must be a lot of stored energy involved. Energy that is just waiting to be released. There is potential for great growth in this situation.)

    Stay with it. Best wishes to you in this process. It is not easy but I believe that it is very worthwhile. Let me know how it turns out.
