Welcome to my blog about transcending the self. Instead of using the mind to fix or control your world so that you can be happy, there is another way. This blog is about moving your awareness from your limited, egoic-self to your Higher Self in order that you can be the divine expression that you were intended to be.

Many of my beliefs are based on the books "The Untethered Soul" (T.U.S.) by Michael Singer and "Falling into Grace" by Adyashanti. These books describe the path of moving your awareness from the part of you that tries to make your life work (ie, find happiness, security, love...) to the part of you that Witnesses or Watches your life unfold and your reactions to your life. As you become more aware of yourself as the Watcher, and you let go of the energies of the lower self, you will be moving towards greater freedom.

So instead of struggling to make everything go your way in life, why not accept what is (release the need to fix or control people, situations or your mind), open your heart and surrender to That Which Created Life in the first place! In other words, go with the flow of life and watch the amazing miracle that you are blossom! Please join me in choosing to move beyond the limitations of the personal self and to live a life of freedom.

To get the most out of this blog, I suggest that you read the books. I also recommend the CDs by Michael Singer (see the website below). I post on this blog about once a week. If you would like to be notified by email each time I post please send your email address to donnamccullough@cox.net.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

I release

This has been a week of noticing and releasing for me.  I have noticed how I get in my own way by continuing to hold onto negative beliefs/perceptions/feelings about myself, others, and life.  Although subtle, these negative energies that were programmed from my past, limit my ability to experience peace, love, joy and harmony.

I had a situation arise which caused some inner discomfort and I became aware of how it was hooking my issues. Once I accepted my feelings, chose to see myself and others through the eyes of compassion, and surrendered the outcome, the situation unfolded easily and harmoniously.

I see that whatever I am holding onto on the inside is what I will experience on the outside.  If I am holding onto inner conflict, unworthiness, anger or judgmental thoughts than that is what I will experience on the outside.

I see how I have continued to hold onto such limiting beliefs.

I see how they have blocked me from Truth.

I no longer choose to cling to perceptions, expectations, beliefs and feelings.

I release.  As Michael Singer says, don't release them one at a time that takes too long...just let them all go.

I write it all down on ice and watch them melt away.

I am a precious being endowed with purpose...and gifts...and an unlimited capacity for joy and love.  My life unfolds in perfect harmony as I release stored up energy and negative patterns from my past.  I no longer cling to this man-made identity.  I open to God, making room for my True Identity to express itself.

For this awareness I am eternally grateful.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

perfect Oneness

This week I have been focused on the idea that we are not separate. There is only God expressing Itself through and as life, as each of us.

Focusing on a separate self sets me up to compete, judge, and try to defend this image of self.  Recognizing that I am One with all of life engenders a more caring and generous attitude.

At our core we are all One and we are perfect. On the surface, we are imperfect human beings.  We make mistakes.  We sometimes say and do the wrong things.

I heard a beautiful expression recently: When something goes wrong, write it on ice.

As I notice human foibles and mistakes (my own and others), I will write them on ice.  As these stories melt away into the nothingness from which they came I will return to the awareness of Truth: that Life is an expression of God...that there is no image to protect...that there is only One.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Get your bloated-nothingness out of the way

We seem to spend a lot of time an energy focused on worldly concerns...whether they be physical/material, social, intellectual, emotional...and comparatively little time trying to get to know who we really are.  Even our spiritual practices are often about feeling better and dealing with worldly problems as opposed to discovering our true nature as expressions of Love and spiritual beings.  And then we wonder why we are not happy, fulfilled, at peace, nor experiencing harmonious and intimately connected relationships.

Michael Singer suggests dealing with the mind not the world...dealing with the mind so that we can move beyond it into a higher expression of Self.

I am learning to allow my issues/blockages to arise as life unfolds.  I am learning to let these situations have their way with me.  I am a diamond in the rough.  If I authentically open to what is in front of me, then each situation will chip away at this self and bring me closer to realizing the diamond within.

More and more I am looking for this diamond within myself and others.  The focus is less about making things right, and, more about joining with the flow of life which is leading me back to my True Self.  The alternative to realizing our true nature is to stay stuck in this false identity (aka, bloated-nothingness) bumping up against other false selves as we struggle with and through life.  No thank you.

Instead I ask myself again and again:

Who am I?  Who am I?  Who am I?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

beyond the mind

A native American elder who spends a couple of hours each day without thought reports that he has learned to live in harmony with life without relying on his intellect.  Fishing is a big part of his culture and he does so without relying on the thinking mind.  He and other fisherman in his village locate sea lions and halibut with incredible accuracy by relying on their intuition, senses, and the wisdom that comes from connecting with One Mind.

All week long I have been reminding myself that there are ways to live from a place of wisdom that does not rely on the intellect.

As I watch my life unfold and watch my reactions to my life, I am aware that life is showing me how I need to open up and what I need to let go of.  Instead of looking at so-called problems as something to get me down, I see them as opportunities to grow.  Life always shows me where I need to grow just the way that life is guiding the Native American fishermen to the fish.  I find that when I move out of the judgmental and analytical mind and ground myself in what is showing up, insights and guidance arise on there own.  Thank you life.