Welcome to my blog about transcending the self. Instead of using the mind to fix or control your world so that you can be happy, there is another way. This blog is about moving your awareness from your limited, egoic-self to your Higher Self in order that you can be the divine expression that you were intended to be.

Many of my beliefs are based on the books "The Untethered Soul" (T.U.S.) by Michael Singer and "Falling into Grace" by Adyashanti. These books describe the path of moving your awareness from the part of you that tries to make your life work (ie, find happiness, security, love...) to the part of you that Witnesses or Watches your life unfold and your reactions to your life. As you become more aware of yourself as the Watcher, and you let go of the energies of the lower self, you will be moving towards greater freedom.

So instead of struggling to make everything go your way in life, why not accept what is (release the need to fix or control people, situations or your mind), open your heart and surrender to That Which Created Life in the first place! In other words, go with the flow of life and watch the amazing miracle that you are blossom! Please join me in choosing to move beyond the limitations of the personal self and to live a life of freedom.

To get the most out of this blog, I suggest that you read the books. I also recommend the CDs by Michael Singer (see the website below). I post on this blog about once a week. If you would like to be notified by email each time I post please send your email address to donnamccullough@cox.net.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

embodied confidence - part 2

I had a deeper realization about what I discussed in the post on October 16 (My intention for this year is that the shell be cracked open so spirit can flow freely and that I need to embody confidence in order for this to happen.).  What I can and need to embody with confidence is that I do not need the shell.

I can be confident in that realization.

I can move through my day faithfully knowing that as I let go into each moment Spirit will be guiding me.

I had an experience yesterday that confirmed this realization.  I was at a breath-work session...the idea was to focus on deep, rhythmic breathing and allow the body/mind to release what is not needed. During yesterday's final session I was able to completely immerse my awareness in the breathing (without being in my head) and I had a very powerful experience of releasing.  During the prior sessions I was still caught up in my head and there was not as much of a release.

When we let go we open ourselves to Divine guidance.

Spirit will always be there to catch us and guide us.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Breaking the trance

"Mind has a very powerful ability to put awareness into a trance. Very quickly, we find ourselves lost in that trance.  This trance is precisely what we've been calling 'egoic consciousness'  - the creation of our belief in who we are, which forms the very structure of ego.  Ego is nothing more than the beliefs, ideas, and images we have about ourselves-and so it is actually something completely imaginary." (falling into Grace, p. 53)

How often do we fall into the trance of believing what the mind/ego says about ourselves, others and life?

How often do we go to what Michael Singer termed the 'neurotic roommate' for advice and guidance?

We are so much more than this egoic self.

I choose to no longer live in a trance.

Instead of listening to ego, I will sit in the silence and listen to God.

I will pray for divine guidance.

I will walk beyond my comfort zones in order to dismantle this false identity that I have created.

I will let go of trying to control my life and will deal with whatever is right in front of me.

I will trust life to show me exactly what I need to know.  

I will ask "Who am I?" again and again.

I will forgive myself and others 70 times 7.

I will express gratitude.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Embodied Confidence

As I practiced "accepting life" this week, I recognized that resisting my experiences in life (i.e., ignoring or avoiding unwanted thoughts and feelings) keeps me from joyfully moving through life with an open-heart.  Holding on to my experiences in life (i.e., clinging to sadness, fear, happiness etc.) has the same outcome.  When I choose to accept what is happening in my life and allowing the experiences to move through me, I connect with a deeper sense of peace and love.

I re-read my intention for 2014 (written during a visualization exercise last January at CSLCV) and it solidified these ideas about accepting life as it is showing up.

Here are the first 3 questions and my responses:

What is Spirit's highest vision for you? The shell is cracked open and Spirit flows freely.
What do you need to embrace in order for this to happen? Embodied confidence (The word "confidence" actually means "with faith.")
What do you need to let go of in order for this to happen? Fear

It struck me that I can accept whatever is occurring in my life because I have faith/confidence that life unfolds in perfect order and harmony, and, that I am always being guided and supported.  I also embody confidence in my ability to connect with the wisdom of my Higher Self in any situation.

I do not need to worry or resist anything that is showing up because there is something greater than me operating in my life.  And although I may not know exactly how my good will come to me, I am am confident that good is always unfolding in my life.  For example, the source of income may not be clear but I can rest assured that my material needs will be provided for...just as the birds never worry about where their next worm will be coming from.

There will likely be some pain, loss and disappointment along the way but I stand in the faith that as I relax into my life instead of fighting it, I will be taken care of.  When fear arises I feel into it, let go of any thoughts or conclusions that will keep it in place, and open my mind and heart to a Higher Consciousness that is the Truth of my Being.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

a doorway to a different possibility

"What happens when you let go of your argument with what is?  No matter how you are feeling...just let it be... (In) the moment when you're willing to no longer be in opposition to anything, you come completely into the now, into this moment.  What you'll begin to experience is a peace and a stillness--a deep inner quietness...a whole different dimension of consciousness, one beyond the ego and its activity."  (Falling into Grace, p. 66)  

We will know that we are completely 'accepting what is' when our awareness is completely in the now.

We can use whatever is happening in any moment to open to a higher consciousness, not by changing anything, just by accepting what is.

"Many people think that this dimension of consciousness of peace, stillness, and well-being is something for which you have to work hard to attain-that somehow it's far away and that you must earn it in some way.  But all these conclusions are just more thoughts in the mind, so as with all thoughts, you can choose to no longer grasp at them.  You can open to a state of being where there are no conclusions, where your mind is wide open, where your consciousness is at ease, and where you can begin to touch upon a whole new dimension of consciousness, a consciousness that actually is at peace.  It's an invitation to just be, to be that consciousness, and also to act from it. Once you taste this stillness, this peace, then the ego will stand out in stark contrast to it.  The vortex of suffering will then be much easier to see.  You may go unconscious for moments, you may not always see the ego trying to hijack you with various thoughts, but even when that happens, if you just stop for a moment and see the pattern, then a gap opens up. It's a doorway to a different possibility-a possibility to experience the peace and happiness for which you've always been longing-even when you are right in the middle of conflict." (Falling into Grace, pp. 66-67)    

This is a spiritual practice that we can do 24-7.  Notice what we are feeling/experiencing each moment and dropping any conclusions including "this shouldn't be," "this is terrible," "this is wonderful,"  etc.  You will know that you have 'accepted what is' if your attention is completely in the now.

I am going to diligently follow this practice and I will post about my experiences.  I invite you to do the same.  It is one thing to read something inspiring and it is another to actually do it.  Writing this blog has helped me to clarify where I am at spiritually and to follow through with the ideas that I have shared.  I would love to hear about how this particular practice is working for you. And you can post anonymously if you prefer.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Baba Muktananda's wisdom

Tomorrow is the 32nd anniversary of Baba Muktananda's transition.

Meditate on your Self,
Worship your Self,
Kneel to your Self,
Honor your Self, 
God dwells within you as you.
- Baba Muktananda

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pure Consciousness

I would like to share some teachings that I heard on Radio Adyashanti last night,  Adya talked about the importance of "accepting what is" (i.e., stop resisting what is showing up in your life).  The acceptance needs to be  heart-based (as opposed to an intellectual acceptance).  The reason to accept life as it is, is because to do otherwise doesn't work. You can't make life not be the way it is.

The acceptance is not an end-point.  When there is a true acceptance (from the heart) then it becomes a ground-point from which a wise, compassionate, clear response occurs.

Adya also talked about putting your attention on what you love not what you hate, because the transformational energy is in the love.

And finally he described the ego as a filter through which one's consciousness shows up.  The ego isn't a 'thing,' it is a set of beliefs/feelings/perceptions that one holds onto in order to navigate through life.  Some people have a negative ego and therefore their consciousness sees things through a negative lens.  Other people have a positive ego (sometimes it is so positive that they are not accepting what is really happening) and their consciousness sees through this lens.  We can bypass the ego by putting our attention on the part of us that is the awareness or Pure Consciousness.  When we connect with Pure Consciousness we have access to it's guidance.

I had a situation arise where I applied these ideas.  I have been feeling stuck in a certain area of my life and I found myself becoming excited/hopeful about an up-coming event that might change the situation.  I began to notice that the joy that I was experiencing was about a possibility in the future rather than what was happening now. When I put my attention on Pure Consciousness and then shifted my focus to what was happening in the moment my heart opened and I felt my defenses melt away...I moved into a state of receptivity and openness.  This is obviously a much better state to experience than clinging to some future unknown.

Will you say "Yes" to being present with what is and moving your awareness to Pure Consciousness?