Welcome to my blog about transcending the self. Instead of using the mind to fix or control your world so that you can be happy, there is another way. This blog is about moving your awareness from your limited, egoic-self to your Higher Self in order that you can be the divine expression that you were intended to be.

Many of my beliefs are based on the books "The Untethered Soul" (T.U.S.) by Michael Singer and "Falling into Grace" by Adyashanti. These books describe the path of moving your awareness from the part of you that tries to make your life work (ie, find happiness, security, love...) to the part of you that Witnesses or Watches your life unfold and your reactions to your life. As you become more aware of yourself as the Watcher, and you let go of the energies of the lower self, you will be moving towards greater freedom.

So instead of struggling to make everything go your way in life, why not accept what is (release the need to fix or control people, situations or your mind), open your heart and surrender to That Which Created Life in the first place! In other words, go with the flow of life and watch the amazing miracle that you are blossom! Please join me in choosing to move beyond the limitations of the personal self and to live a life of freedom.

To get the most out of this blog, I suggest that you read the books. I also recommend the CDs by Michael Singer (see the website below). I post on this blog about once a week. If you would like to be notified by email each time I post please send your email address to donnamccullough@cox.net.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

turning within for truth

My daughter is a musical theater student and she auditioned for a part in Fall play. She was called-back several times for one of the lead roles and was very excited and hopeful that she would get the part.  As it turned out she got a role but not one of the leads.  As I was feeling and letting go of the disappointment that I felt for her, I had a change in perspective.

I thought about Robin Williams.  Although worldly achievements are important for our self-esteem and enjoyment in life in the big scheme of things they actually mean very little. Robin had lots of talent and success and still was very unhappy.  Michael Singer talks about the fact that many women value looking beautiful, such as Marilyn Monroe who achieved this goal and yet she killed herself.

The world of effects can be quite exciting and seductive but these positive feelings are always temporary and illusory.  True joy, love and peace are already ours and can be found right where we are standing if we decide to let go of the roles/identity/ego and allow who we really are to come forth. 

Let go of the world of effects and turn within to find out who you really are.

"How we act and feel depends on how awake we are, and how much we experience that silence, that peace within."(Falling into Grace, p. 95)

(P.S., And as it turns out my daughter loves her new part.  I am happy for her but I strive to  not cling to this happiness.  Michael Singer suggests expressing gratitude for that which opens us but not to cling to the feeling nor the outer cause.)

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