Welcome to my blog about transcending the self. Instead of using the mind to fix or control your world so that you can be happy, there is another way. This blog is about moving your awareness from your limited, egoic-self to your Higher Self in order that you can be the divine expression that you were intended to be.

Many of my beliefs are based on the books "The Untethered Soul" (T.U.S.) by Michael Singer and "Falling into Grace" by Adyashanti. These books describe the path of moving your awareness from the part of you that tries to make your life work (ie, find happiness, security, love...) to the part of you that Witnesses or Watches your life unfold and your reactions to your life. As you become more aware of yourself as the Watcher, and you let go of the energies of the lower self, you will be moving towards greater freedom.

So instead of struggling to make everything go your way in life, why not accept what is (release the need to fix or control people, situations or your mind), open your heart and surrender to That Which Created Life in the first place! In other words, go with the flow of life and watch the amazing miracle that you are blossom! Please join me in choosing to move beyond the limitations of the personal self and to live a life of freedom.

To get the most out of this blog, I suggest that you read the books. I also recommend the CDs by Michael Singer (see the website below). I post on this blog about once a week. If you would like to be notified by email each time I post please send your email address to donnamccullough@cox.net.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Unblocking the Heart

A comment was made about what to do with the emotions/pain once they have been identified.  The nature of feelings is to pass through you.  Think of a small child whose balloon has just popped.  The child will cry as if their heart is broken for just a minute or so and then they will happily move on to something else. 

This is not how most of us respond to pain by the time we have reached adulthood.  When some kind of loss or painful event happens the energy of the event (i.e., the pain) stays stuck because we do not allow it to pass through.  First we may not allow ourselves to fully feel the feeling.  We tighten our chest and heart muscles...reach for a distraction...hold resentments...give meaning to the situation based on past experiences (e.g., "Of course that happened, I never get what I want.")...and judge others and ourselves.

Many things do pass through us, such as the trees that we pass as we are driving along a highway.  Michael describes how the image of the trees comes in through our senses, they make a momentary impression but then the impression is released.  "When you have no personal issues with them, impressions process freely."  (T.U.S., p. 51)  But if you were driving along a highway and you saw something disturbing, it might not pass through...it might leave an impression (i.e., the energy that came in might stay stuck).

I believe that young children let most events pass through (even the painful ones) because they have not yet learned to block their feelings and to hold onto events, and, because they allow themselves to fully touch the feelings.  They experience what is happening in each moment and then they let the impressions pass through so that they are fully present in the next moment.  This may be why young children have so much energy and  joy.  They do not lay awake at night thinking about how so and so stole their doll and what they are going to do about it!  They felt the sadness/pain of the experience in the moment and they let it go. 

Might it be possible for you to live this way?
Michael says that "Experiences are gifts that are being given to you...awakening and stimulating you...having a profound effect on you...Your heart and mind are expanding and you are being touched at a very deep level."  (T.U.S., p. 51).  By blocking experiences from passing through you, you miss the opportunity to learn and grow from them.

I think that we are so used to keeping ourselves emotionally comfortable that we close our hearts and block the energies from passing more frequently than we realize.  When the little disturbances happen throughout the day (such as when someone doesn't return your phone call or someone walks by without saying hello), do you allow the inner disturbance to be felt and released?  Or do you move to fix the situation on the outside or fix the inner disturbance (rationalizing, judging...)?

The pain happens because we give meaning to situations.  This meaning is the roommate talking, not the observer.  You do not need to listen to the roommate and give meaning to events.  There is no meaning to be given.  Life is just happening.  It is not all about you.  People will do what people will do.  Your life will unfold as your life will unfold. 

When the roommate is feeling pain, move your awareness to the observer.  At this point it is so important to relax the heart and chest so that the energy can pass.  When you do this you are removing the blockages (i.e., limiting beliefs) that keep you from experiencing the true miracle that you are.  Allow situations to pass through you by fully experiencing each moment and then choosing to relax and let it go.    

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Heart of the Matter

Back to Chapter 6 "the secrets of the spiritual heart."

At this point in the book we are starting to get into the material that is a little bit harder to face.  To me, it is easier to talk about being the witness or observer, than to focus on the messy stuff that keeps us stuck, the stuff that most of us have been avoiding.  I am going to go through these sections slowly so that we can really digest what is being discussed.   

Michael says "the heart closes because it becomes blocked by stored, unfinished energy patterns from your past." (T.U.S., p. 50)  In the last paragraph on this page Michael gives a very interesting explanation of how events and experiences in the world "come in through your senses and have an impact on your inner state of being." (T.U.S., p. 50).  What is coming in through your senses are energy patterns and if the energy is disturbing or negative we resist it and it stays blocked within you. 

Just imagine all of the negative things that have happened to you over your lifetime.  Unless you have allowed these energies to pass through you (and this involves allowing the painful emotions to surface) then energy from these experiences is blocking your heart.  No wonder you do not have the same amount of energy that you did as a child.

Michael talks about what it would be like if these energy patterns passed through instead of staying stuck. Just like neutral things, such as buildings and trees that you pass as you are driving down the road, imagine if nothing left an impression.  For example, when someone says something hurtful to you, instead of holding on to it (dwelling on it, holding resentment or anger...) you just let it go.  Wouldn't that be incredibly freeing?  And you would be much more present to fully experience the next moment.

Notice today how many times something negative or potentially threatening (maybe a car problem, running late, embarrassing yourself, a large bill, feeling alone...) happens and notice how you respond.  Do you reach for something to eat or drink, or call someone, or turn on the TV, or go shopping or do whatever else will distract you from the experience?  Just notice your patterns.  Notice when your energy shifts and becomes negative. 

Then take a breath and allow it to be.  Unless we are a highly evolved and awakened being we all have lots of stored energy.  But we can transcend these blockages once and for all and live a life of freedom.  However, the catch is that you will need to touch your pain.  You can make huge gains in living a life of freedom and joy by allowing the pain to come up and then letting it go.  Hang in there during this process...it is well worth the effort.

Friday, December 24, 2010

A Conscious Christmas

"What differentiates a conscious, centered being from a person who is not so conscious is simply the focus of their awareness.  It's not a difference in the consciousness itself."  (T.U.S., p. 36)  With this being said, what will you choose to put your consciousness on over this holiday weekend?

During this time of year it is easy to get wrapped up in wordly activities.  Of course we enjoy the presents, the food, the decorations, the friends and family...  And there may be some stress, frustrations, and perhaps disappointments.  According to Michael, whether your experience is positive or negative recognizing that you are 'aware that you are aware' is the highest choice.   Whatever your experience is, it is not you.  When you are aware that you are aware "You simply stopped projecting your sense of self onto that particular object of consciousness (i.e., experience, thought, feeling, perception).  You woke up.  That is the nature of Self.  That is who you are." (T.U.S., p. 37)  

If you find yourself judging or deciding what you like and don't like you will be choosing to close your heart and blocking the unlimited flow of energy within you.  Better to witness these thoughts and feelings as the observer and let them go.  Let the world show up the way that it will show up today.  Let the people in your life be the way that they will be. 

Whatever is going on for you, Michael suggests making it the sport of the day.  If you are facing a challenge (large or small), let it be the sport of the day.  Whenever I take a problem that I am having and say to myself 'This is just the sport that I am playing today.  I wonder how it will play out' I find that I detach from my concerns and I experience clarity, some kind of wisdom, and/or a sense of peace. 

Move your awareness to the witness, take a deep breath and relax the heart.  Watch and wait.  Wait for spirit to express itself through you and as you today.  Feel grateful that this is happening.

Remember in the midst of your busy merry-making to be the observer and allow a brighter light to shine as you.   

Sweet blessings to you on this eve of the birth of the Christ-Consciousness within each of us! 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Let Spirit's Gifts flow!

Since many of us are busy preparing to welcome more Light, Love, and Joy into our hearts during this holiday season I thought that we would stick with the ideas already presented and delve into new information next week.  I received an email message from a friend sharing her experience with witnessing.  As you can see she has been studying some of Joel Goldsmith’s material.  Here is her message:     

“There's been a change in plans.  We are going to my Mom's on Christmas Eve.  I will go early in the afternoon to help get dinner ready.  I also plan to spend the night with her.  This way her caregiver can have most of the afternoon and night off.  I'm doing this as much for dear Florence (the caregiver) as I am for Mom.  And, I don't need to be in the sanctuary to feel God's presence.  I feel very blessed for the beautiful work that has come to me this year through my friend Bill Skiles...the Infinite Way Teacher.  All of it points to being a beholder or witness.   So thank you for your beautiful blogs as well.  I am winding down this year immersed in Spiritual perspectives as they just keep on coming to me. So I am not concerned with what the "i" is or is not doing anymore.  I'm just relaxing back and letting spirits gifts flow to me and through me.”

As the song says, “Do you hear what I hear?” Her plans for Christmas changed.  Instead of spending Christmas Eve in a place that is VERY special to her (and then going to her Mom’s on Christmas Day), she is being the caregiver for her Mom on both Christmas Eve and Day.  The most noteworthy part is that she is not concerned with what the human personality or little “i” is doing because she is relaxing and letting spirits gifts flow to her and through her.  Beautiful.

When we move our awareness to the witness, we are opening ourselves up to letting spirits gifts flow to us and through us. 

Is there any gift greater than this that we could give or receive this holiday season?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"You are the EXPERIENCER of your heart"

In Chapter 6 Michael talks about the heart as an extremely powerful energy center.  "It has the potential to create vibrations and harmonies far beyond the beauty of pianos, strings, or flutes.  You can hear an instrument but you feel your heart." (T.U.S., p.49).  Do you not love music, and any form of art for that matter, because it moves you emotionally? 

In fact there is not much that happens in our lives that doesn't pass through the heart.  When it opens we fall in love and when it closes we stop loving.  "If the heart happens to hurt, we get angry, and if we stop feeling it altogether we get empty." (T.U.S., p. 49). 

Now contemplate this:  As much as you identify with the heart "In truth, you are not your heart.  You are the experiencer of your heart." (T.U.S., p. 49).  We do not have to force the heart open, we just have to notice the heart.  When I move my awareness to the Observer and I watch the heart it becomes easier to relax and I find the heart is more likely to open.

Practice today being the Observer and watching your heart.  Can you tell if your chest feels tight?  Are you feeling anger, resentment, fear, anxiety, or emotionally empty?  If so, take a breath, relax, and let the feeling go. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Dare to be Different. Enjoy All of Life!"

"As long as you are defining what you like and what you don't like, you will open and close...Let go of that.  Dare to be different.  Enjoy all of life."  (T.U.S., p. 47). 

This is a tall order...to enjoy ALL of life including scrubbing the toilets, paying taxes, going to the DMV, going to the dentist, working long hours, losing a job... Michael says that learning to keep one's heart open no matter what is a matter of choice.  If you define what you need to stay open (such as the right relationship, weather, bank account balance etc.) you are blocking an unlimited flow of energy that is your birthright.  Is there any good reason for doing that? No.  It is a habitual response for most of us (to close in order to protect ourselves) but this response can be unlearned. 

When I notice that I have closed my heart I move my awareness to the Observer and from that vantage point I can see that I am tightened up, both physically and emotionally.  I then ask myself:  Is this how I want to spend my time on this planet?  Is this the kind of experience that I want to have?  Is this the kind of person that I want to be?  And, of course I answer NO to each of these questions. I ask myself "Who am I?" and I realize that I am not my experience, no matter what it is.  I recognize that I am listening to that crazy roommate again and I decide that I do not want to do that any longer.  I decide to choose love, not fear.  I relax my chest and belly and open my heart and release that which is keeping me from opening up.

On page 47 Michael talks about "The more you stay open, the more the energy flow can build...a tremendous amount of energy flows out of you...the energy affects other people....(and) the health of your body." (T.U.S., p. 47).  This is such a worthwhile goal.

Practice today keeping your heart open not matter what.  Use your breath to relax, and, make a conscious choice to open your heart thus allowing Spirit to flow freely through you and as you!

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Untethered Heart

In Chapter 5 Michael talks about saying the following when your heart wants to close: "No...I am going to be there with this situation and let it take place.' " (T.U.S., p. 46).  Then take a breath and relax and deal with the situation with an open heart.  As you learn to keep your heart open and you have "attained this very high state, your energy level will be phenomenal." (T.U.S., p. 46).

I usually have difficulty opening my heart when there is some kind of negative self-evaluation going on.  That kind of evaluation is not helpful and needs to be released.  It can be useful to notice where you might need to improve but do so without judgment.  For example, it is productive to say "Next time I will have more patience with my kids" but to feel less than because of something that I did only serves to close the heart.  So if you are having trouble opening your heart, you may want to notice if you are holding onto any self-blame or judgment.  Let it go so that you can deal with the situation with an open heart. 

Michael suggests that you "pay attention when you feel love and enthusiasm.  Then ask yourself why you can't feel this all the time?...It only goes away if you choose to close." (T.U.S., p. 46).

Saturday, December 11, 2010

All You Need is Juice!

Michael talks about how we close our hearts to protect ourselves, but, actually a closed heart doesn’t protect us from anything, it just blocks us from tapping in to our unlimited energy.  This is easy to ‘get’ intellectually, but much harder to do.  There are so many times when we want to shut someone out because we are angry or hurt.  Ever given someone the ‘silent treatment’ or avoided someone because of something they did? 
If what we really want is to be happy and if that source of feeling good is already within us then staying open and allowing that energy to flow is the only thing that makes sense. 
But the hitch is that you can’t expect things to go your way in order to stay open.   If you do, then you are letting your expectations (i.e., the roommate) be the source of your happiness, not God.  “You simply realize that defining what you need in order to stay open actually ends up limiting you. “ (T.U.S., p. 46)
So the challenge becomes:  Can you stay open even though what you think you want and need is not happening? 
On one of his CDs, Michael says that all that we really need is juice.  We don’t need money, many people have lots of money and they are not happy…many of people have health and they are not happy…many people are in a relationship and they are not happy…
All you need is juice…and you get it by staying open.
Practice opening your heart today ~ with your breath and a conscious choice to stay open.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

An Open Heart

We have finished Part I "awakening consciousness" and I am so thrilled to have discovered this idea/technique about 'focusing awareness on the Observer.'  There is so much Power and Freedom in letting go of the limiting thoughts and feelings of the psyche and stepping into Oneness with Spirit by way of the Observer.  Being aware of the focus of one's consciousness is the cornerstone of this path.

Part II "experiencing energy"

In chapter 5 Michael talks about tapping into the source of energy from within...it is spiritual energy...it is unlimited...it is our birthright.  "That spiritual energy is what you're experiencing when love rushes up into your heart." (T.U.S., p. 44). 

The only reason that we do not feel this energy is that we block it. We block it by closing our hearts and our minds.  Remember the example in the book about the young man's energy shifts as a result of a break up with his girlfriend?  Are you aware when you close down based on a thought or a belief or a judgment or something someone said or did? 

We close because we think we have to protect ourself from being hurt by others. 

I find it to be very helpful to move my awareness to the Observer and then to notice whether my heart is open or closed.  From the vantage point of being the Observer, I clearly notice what I am feeling emotionally and physically.  I can choose to relax my chest, belly, and face.  I ask, 'Is anything really worth closing?' I take a breath and relax, allowing my muscles to soften. I ask, 'Who am I?' and I see that I am not a human being having a human experience. I am a Spiritual being having a human experience and God is the source of my energy, not this situation.  

If you want to tap into this spiritual energy all you have to do is decide to stay open.  Michael says "You stay open by never closing.  It's really that simple.  All you have to do is decide whether you are willing to stay open, or whether you think it is worth closing...train yourself to forget how to close."  (T.U.S., p. 45). 

Remember that nothing is ever worth closing for.

Today practice noticing when your heart is open and when it is closed.  Then take a breath, relax, and allow your heart to open even more.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

You are not even a human being...

I've read and studied this book so many times and now, as I am re-reading page 37 I am beginning to get  the idea of who I really am on a deeper level.  I say this to encourage you to stick with this process.  Sometimes the idea of "becoming conscious of consciousness itself" or being aware of yourself as the observer can seem so elusive, so hard to really grasp and hold on to. 

Michael says "Once you become conscious of consciousness itself, you attain a totally different state.  You are now aware of who you are."  (T.U.S., p. 37).  You recognize that you are not the person who you thought you were.  You really are not the sensitive one, or the angry one, or the victim, or the people pleaser, or the hard worker, or the funny one, or the critical one, or the spiritual one, or the good one, or the bad one, or whatever label you have chosen to give yourself. 

YOU are none of these things.  YOU are SELF.  Period.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  You are pure Spirit and you get to this realization by taking it moment by moment, using every ounce of will power that you have, and tearing yourself away from identifying yourself as your experiences.  The ego or personality or psyche is like a big vacuum that wants to suck you in.  Use your head and say 'no.'

Instead, watch.

No matter how intense the feelings are, move your awareness to the watcher. 'I am the part of me that is aware that this is happening.'  'I am not this feeling, thought, experience.' You repeat this over and over and over and over.  And you take a breath and relax.  And again you say 'I am the part of me that is aware that this is happening.' 

And eventually you will begin to identify yourself as Self.  "You're not even a human being. You just happen to be watching one.  You will begin to have deep experiences within you own center of consciousness...you will find that you are tremendously expansive." (T.U.S., p. 37).

Take a good look at page 37. 

Join me today in focusing your attention on yourself as the 'one doing the watching' and you will be taking a giant step towards freeing yourself from the bonds of the psyche.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


In chapter 4 (pages 36-37) Michael describes a conscious, centered being as one who is always aware of being conscious...one who contemplates the source of consciousness...one who focuses on consciousness...one whose consciousness is focused on itself.  (Consciousness means the focus of your awareness.  If you are having trouble grasping the meaning of the phrases above, try substituting the word 'awareness' for 'consciousness'.).  So instead of focusing on thoughts, feelings, behaviors, experiences, problems, needs, or wants a conscious, centered being is "aware of being aware."  

It isn't just "I feel hungry/sad/happy right now," it is "I am aware that I am feeling hungry/sad/happy right now."  Making that little shift in your thought process or in your awareness can have a huge impact on your life because it helps you to no longer identify yourself as the hunger, sadness or happiness.  It allows you to have that experience without losing yourself in it.  You are the awareness of your experience, you are not your experience...just like you are not the TV show that you love to watch, you are the one watching the show. 

"The more that you are willing to just let the world be something you're aware of, the more it will let you be who you are- the awareness, the Self, the Atman, the Soul." (T.U.S., p. 37). 

I always feel a sense of freedom and relief when I think about 'just letting the world be something that I am aware of.'  The bills, the laundry, the children, the job, the weather, the meal, the relationship...all just something that I am aware of.  I will deal with these things, of course, but they do not have to define me, or the quality of my day, or the mood that I am in.  I am Self.

Today, practice letting the world be something that you are aware of!