Welcome to my blog about transcending the self. Instead of using the mind to fix or control your world so that you can be happy, there is another way. This blog is about moving your awareness from your limited, egoic-self to your Higher Self in order that you can be the divine expression that you were intended to be.

Many of my beliefs are based on the books "The Untethered Soul" (T.U.S.) by Michael Singer and "Falling into Grace" by Adyashanti. These books describe the path of moving your awareness from the part of you that tries to make your life work (ie, find happiness, security, love...) to the part of you that Witnesses or Watches your life unfold and your reactions to your life. As you become more aware of yourself as the Watcher, and you let go of the energies of the lower self, you will be moving towards greater freedom.

So instead of struggling to make everything go your way in life, why not accept what is (release the need to fix or control people, situations or your mind), open your heart and surrender to That Which Created Life in the first place! In other words, go with the flow of life and watch the amazing miracle that you are blossom! Please join me in choosing to move beyond the limitations of the personal self and to live a life of freedom.

To get the most out of this blog, I suggest that you read the books. I also recommend the CDs by Michael Singer (see the website below). I post on this blog about once a week. If you would like to be notified by email each time I post please send your email address to donnamccullough@cox.net.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Open-Hearted Awareness

"Open-hearted awareness can shift you into a new way of seeing.  Your eyes connect not only to the brain but through your heart-mind to the ground of Being.  Your ego-based identity is no longer looking out of your eyes.  Instead, looking from open-hearted awareness is like seeing directly through the eye of your awakened heart, without the thoughts, beliefs, and projections of the mind interpreting your experience.  There are no fears or worries about what the other person might be thinking; there is trust that you will know how to respond-with a natural, intuitive heart-mindfulness." Shift into Freedom, p. 196

In his book Shift Into Freedom, Loch Kelly talks about dropping our awareness from thoughts/mind into a more expansive consciousness in and through the heart.  He provides a series of "Glimpse" practices which help us to do this.

One person who has gone through the transition of moving from ordinary consciousness to open-hearted awareness said the following:

"Speaking becomes like breathing.  It's easy and natural and just flows without needing to plan what you're going to say."

For more information please check out Loch Kelly's book.  Also, I am considering doing a group based on his practices and will post more about this soon.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

give God a blank canvas

" 'The Spirit of Truth will bring you into the understanding of all truth.' (John 14:26) All you have to do is give God a blank canvas and let him re-write His nature on your heart, let him reveal himself to you. He wants to do that because the purpose of this earth experience is for you to be a visible expression of God. When you offer a blank canvas to God you're going to start seeing and feeling something different. It awakens you."  Michele Longo O'Donnell

My goal is no longer about trying to fix or change my thoughts.  It is about striving to quiet my mind and allow Grace, God, Truth to come through me.  Not listening to the incessant chatter of my mind, and instead asking "What wants to be said?" or "Who am I?" helps me become a clearer expression of God.  

As we let go of who we think we are, God will reveal our true nature to us.  We will know ourselves to be pure expressions of Love.  We will know that we are Divine human beings...both human and divine.  And our divinity will bless the Earth.  And so it is.

Monday, November 16, 2015

awake awareness

"When we are operating from thought-based knowing , we look to thought to know; we think about thinking, ruminating, obsessing, and orienting by thought.  When we shift into spacious awareness as the ground of Being, then thinking goes into the background and we don't see pop-ups and multiple programs running on our mind-screens.  Then, our conceptual minds are quiet but, just as we can use our hands at any moment, we can use thought whenever needed.  Awake awareness in its fullness is empty, knowing, loving, and embodied."  (Shift into Freedom, p. 179)

We can learn to know from the ground of Being instead of knowing from the individual mind which is based on programming from our past.

We can learn to shift into spacious awareness through meditation or from the exercises that Lock Kelly presents in his book, Shift into Freedom. 

As we learn to unhook from thought and emotion we become open and receptive to Source/God/Spirit/Higher Self.  We can call upon our personal mind as needed but we are no longer ruled by thought and emotion.  This is freedom.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Awake Awareness

Here is what Locke Kelly has to say about awake awareness, and you will find that it is the same idea as Michael Singer's letting go of the self :

"Awake awareness is sometimes called 'pure awareness,' but it's also inherent within all forms of our consciousness...Awake awareness is always already here, and it is only a matter of learning how to directly access it.  One of the most important things to learn is how to separate awareness from thinking, and then we can see that thoughts and emotions are not the center of who we are.  We then discover that awareness is the source of mind that brings the peace that passes understanding...awake awareness can 'know' something without referring overtly to thoughts, but it can also use thought when needed."  (Shift into Freedom, p.14)  

I am not my thoughts and feelings.  I am not this image that I present to the world.  I am not who I think I am...this identity that I have created is an illusion.  My physical self is real, but the consciousness that infuses it is Who I really am.  When we begin to realize that we are not the persona that we have created there is a lightening of attachment to fear, insecurity, expectations etc.  There is nothing to prove and nothing to defend.  A weight is lifted and there is the peace that passes all understanding.

Shift into Freedom provides many practical techniques for shifting one's awareness away from thought and emotion and onto awareness itself.  I highly recommend the book.  I am considering starting a group in the next few months to practice these techniques and explore this material.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

letting go of the self

In discussing his experience at the Department of Justice in Washington, DC, Michael Singer says the following:

"All this exposure to intensely powerful people and situations was having a profound effect on the psyche I watched so diligently.  I had never been exposed to this powerful lifestyle.  Nothing in me got off on it or wanted anything from it, but it did make me deal with parts of my being that I would not have faced otherwise.  If I saw any weakness, fear or anxiety come up, I just deeply relaxed back into where I was watching from. I simply kept letting go of whatever came up.  This is where life had taken me, and I used all these situations as a way of letting go of myself.  It was definitely working.  I kept being pushed into strongly positive and negative situations, and I increasingly found myself in a very clear and undisturbed state.  It seemed that the more challenges life put me through, the less my inner energy flow was affected by outer conditions.What years of meditation had not gotten rid of, life's situations and challenges were rooting out of me.  As long as I made getting rid of myself my only goal, every situation was a fruitful experience."  (The Surrender Experiment, pp.213-214)

I notice that Michael does not rely primarily on his thinking mind to evaluate the situations that he finds himself in and to guide his decisions.  Instead, he lets go of attachment to thought and emotion and moves into a state of higher awareness.  

We can learn to access this state of awareness by practicing meditation and other spiritual techniques. For those who are interested, there is an excellent book called "Shift Into Freedom" by Loch Kelly which provides very clear and simple techniques for shifting out of identification with egoic self into a state which he calls "awake awareness."   

Monday, October 5, 2015

the Spirit of Life - let it flow!

Michele Longo O'Donnell's thought for the week:

"We are either going along with the flow of the human consciousness, or we are allowing the Spirit of Life from within us to flow out. We can say, "I'm going to go with the flow of the Spirit of God and let that lead and guide me." Then you live out from a sense of wholeness, of completeness, of confidence and assurance, of dominion, and the expectation of perpetual goodness. When you are living out from the Spirit of God, there is no human law or circumstance that can come against you to hurt you."

Sunday, September 27, 2015

no decisions

"There are no decisions; there is only interaction with what is in front of you.  Decisions come because you have attachments, desires, and fears.  The only thing that will help you is to let go. If you let go of your stuff, there are no decisions--there is just life."  Michael Singer

When I let go of desires, attachments, and fears everything becomes more clear and the way to respond to what is right in front of me naturally reveals itself.

Recently I had a financial decision to make and although I had the money to deal with the situation, I was feeling anxious about spending the money thinking that I might need it in the future. When I let go of this anxiety/fear (by reminding myself that my needs are always being met), it became clear that I should proceed with the situation and spend the money.

Life is always showing us the way.  The question is, 'Are we paying attention to life or are we paying attention to our fears, attachments or desires?'

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Praise This Day

Save your mentally manufactured tales of 
enlightenment-to-come for someone else's ears.
The price to enter this love
is your hope for a better future.

We are not a crowd of beggars here.
You and I have been down that long,
twisted road all the way to its end.

Here we do not ask God for favors
but instead celebrate the light in each other's eyes.
So if you are ready to stop denying yourself
your own beauty
you have come to the right place.
Wake up now and praise this day
when you realize that God's eyes
are the ones you are looking out of, and into.

Praise this day~
and with each breath you take
be filled with the golden arc of love
which announces the ending of
your argument with God.

Praise this day
simply because it exists 
and sit down now in the warm skin
of your own lap,
for you are home
and it is time to rest
in the merciful light
of your own eyes. ~ Adyashanti 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

surrender to Life

Here is a synopsis of Michael Singer's surrender experiment:

"The flow of life had served as sandpaper that, to a great extent, freed me of myself.  Unable to unbind myself from the incessant pull of my psyche, in an act of sheer desperation, I had thrown myself into the arms of life.  From that point forward, all I did was my very best to serve what was put in front of me and let go of what it stirred up within me.  Joy and pain, success and failure, praise and blame- they all had pulled at what was so deeply rooted within me,  The more I let go, the freer I became.  It was not my responsibility to find what was binding me; that was life's job.  My responsibility was to willingly let go of whatever was brought up within me." (The Surrender Experiment, p. 252)

So much wisdom here.  No need to analyze nor dwell on our thoughts, reactions, feelings...just let them all go.  It really seems to come down to being very present to each moment and then letting it go in order to fully receive the next moment.  Life will always show us what we need to let go of in order to be completely free.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Girl God

Michael Singer completely surrendered to what life was bringing to him and his life unfolded in amazing and beautiful ways.

In watching my own surrender process, I notice the tendency to close down and become constricted by attaching to negative thoughts either about myself or others.  It happens so quickly.  One little negative thought or worry leads me down a path of egoic misery. When I do so my energy centers (heart, third eye etc.) close down and I feel small. Usually this is a subtle process that I do not even know is occurring unless I am paying attention to it.  It is an entirely different state of being than when I am relaxed, open to love, and aligned with Spirit.

The Ho'Oponopono prayer always brings me back into alignment.  I say it for myself or the person who I am feeling closed off from:

I Love You
I am sorry (for what I did, or for all of the things that have happened to you that keep you from knowing the Truth of who you are)
Please forgive me
Thank you

If I say this prayer while being connected to my heart it always brings me back into alignment with Truth/Love/God.  It helps me to see when I am holding onto a sense of not being enough or not deserving of all of the good that Life has in store for me.  The trick is to catch the little negative thought and choose to let it go before I am too far down the path of misery and it becomes a bigger thought.

Hanging onto our thoughts (whether they be negative, positive or neutral) is often an attempt to fix or avoid problems.  Although it can seem scary to let go of relying on our minds to fix what is wrong in our lives, this can also be a very exciting process.

I find it helpful to think back to the times when I have let go and how well those experiences turned out.  There are beautiful experiences waiting for all of us.  Miracles are commonplace.  There is an abundance of all that we need just waiting for us, including our physical needs and comfort, boundless love and joy, health and vitality, peace...a life filled with beauty and wonder.  It is our attachment to the small, limited, personal self that keeps us closed off from what Life wants to give us.

 Let us take the leap in each and every moment by letting go of what our mind is telling us and instead focus on what life has put right in front of us and watch the miracles unfold.

What if our religion was each other
If our practice was our life
If prayer, our words
What if the temple was the Earth
If forests were our church
If holy water--the rivers, lakes, and ocean
What if meditation was our relationships
If the teacher was life
If wisdom was self-knowledge
If love was the center of our being.
-Ganga White

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Divine Love

This is what we are surrendering to:
"Divine love, if surrendered to, is incessant and insatiable in its desire for more of itself. It dissolves, shatters, and transforms anything that blocks it’s path toward deeper love. The isolated sense of self that we could call the ego is a by-product of our experience of the lack of love. The ego is an endless chain of habitual activity and reactivity that we mistakenly assume will lead to love. Real love is “beingness” itself. It is the essence of existence." (Patricia Albere, 
Evolutionary Collective)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Living in presence with the emotional pain body

The following quote comes from a talk by Eckhart Tolle titled "Living in presence with the emotional pain body" (www.huffingtonpost.com/eckhart-tolle/living-in-presence-with-y_b_753114.html)

"There is such a thing as old emotional pain living inside you. It is an accumulation of painful life experience that was not fully faced and accepted in the moment it arose. It leaves behind an energy form of emotional pain. It comes together with other energy forms from other instances, and so after some years you have a "painbody," an energy entity consisting of old emotion.

It lives in human beings, and it is the emotional aspect of egoic consciousness. When the ego is amplified by the emotion of the painbody, the ego has enormous strength still -- particularly at those times. It requires very great presence so that you can be there as the space also for your painbody, when it arises." 

I practice surrendering pain by being witness to the painbody when it arises. My consciousness is the space in which the painbody arises.  I am not my pain.  I am the presence.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Surrender means...

Someone or Something Else is in charge.
I don't have to figure anything out.
I do not listen to the chatter in my mind.
There is nothing to judge.
I let things be.
I don't know anything.
I am empty.
I am purified.
I Trust.
I allow something new to come through me.
Life unfolds on its own.
I am free.
I am.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

freedom versus preference

So here is Michael's reaction to coming home from a trip to find that his friend was building a house on his property:

"If I had to choose between using this real life situation to to get my way or to free myself from being bound to my way, I would choose freedom every time.  That was the essence of my experiment with life: if it's down to a matter of preference---life wins.  So I went back up the hill, strapped on an apron, and helped them build Sandy's house." (The Surrender Experiment, p. 74)

And later he says "I would never have imagined how many important life experiences of mine would end up being tied to that cabin."  (p. 74)

Life (AKA, God) knows what it is doing. The question is 'Are we willing to get our bloated nothingness out of the way so that we can let it happen?'

Thursday, July 30, 2015

channeling energy upwards

"I no longer saw the lower aspect of myself, with all of his personal issues and melodramas, as the enemy that had to be destroyed... I needed to use all of these disturbed personal energies for my ascent... The psyche is a person  with feelings and thoughts, hopes, fears, and dreams.  He is not to be locked in a room and constantly told to shut up... I had already determined to surrender to life's flow, even if I couldn't understand where it was taking me.  I had to do the same thing inwardly.  I needed to learn to just relax inside instead of fighting with my mind so much... In my meditations, I had been achieving heights by pushing down on the lower energies.  But this was just a form of suppression.  I had to learn to channel those energies upward instead of pushing them away from me... Done properly yoga is the science of channeling energy upward until they merge together at the highest point-Oneness" (The Surrender Experiment, pp. 70-72)


Monday, July 20, 2015

Surrender and Trust

As I have posted lately, I am working on surrendering expectations, preferences, desires etc and dealing with what life presents to me.  I have noticed that letting go of expectations means not only letting go of what I want to happen but also letting go of the negative expectations (e.g., "I will never have enough money for..." or expecting a negative outcome in a relationship, health issue etc.).

The practice is to accept that I do not know what is going to happen in my life, and to deal with what is happening in the present moment.  Easier said than done.

I notice that my ego really does not want to give up control (or the illusion of control is more to the point).  I have compassion for my self...recognizing the fear and discomfort of letting go.  At the same time I recognize that there is a Divine dance occurring as my life.  I remind myself that "Life knows what it is doing." And with a deep, relaxing breath I let go and trust God to lead the way.      

Sunday, July 12, 2015

an interview with Michael Singer

Please check out this interview with Michael Singer where he discusses the ideas in both of his books.

Go to http://www.jamesaltucher.com/ and click on the "Michael Singer: The Surrender Experiment" button.

The bottom line is: Can you stay "okay" on the inside no matter what is going on on the outside? Once you are okay on the inside then you can clearly handle what is going on on the outside.

Very inspirational and well worth your time!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

life knows what it is doing

 When a so-called "negative" experience showed up in Michael Singer's life he simply surrendered any preferences for or against what was happening and returned his awareness to the peace within.  He did not seem to be at all interested in figuring out why he was manifesting any particular situation.  Instead he let go and allowed the natural process of life to remove what needed to be removed.  Michael's process was consistently one of letting go, returning his awareness to the peace within and taking care of whatever tasks were presented to him.  As a result his life experiences have been truly amazing.  And although there were challenges, situations always righted themselves as Michael continued to surrender no matter what was showing up.

In talking about the idea that life knows what it is doing Michael says:

"At some point there is no more struggle, just the deep peace that comes from surrendering to a perfection that is beyond your comprehension.  Eventually, the mind stops resisting, and the heart loses the tendency to close.  The joy, excitement, and freedom are simply too beautiful to give up. Once you are ready to let go of yourself, life becomes your friend, your teacher, your secret lover. When life's way becomes your way, all the noise stops, and there is a great peace."  (The Surrender Experiment, p. 252)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

letting life call the shots

Here is how Michael describes his practice:

"I could see that the practice of surrender was actually done in two, very distinctive steps: first, you let go of the personal reactions of like and dislike that form inside your mind and heart; and second with the resultant sense of clarity, you simply look to see what is being asked of you by the situation unfolding in front of you. What would you be doing if you weren't being influenced by the reactions of like and dislike?  Following that deeper guidance will take your life in a very different direction from where your preferences would have led you." (The Surrender Experiment, p. 65)

Nothing new or out of the ordinary has presented itself to me, therefore, there has not been much for me to say 'yes' to this past week.  However, I have been focusing on letting go of expectations (both negative and positive), preferences, and desires.

I have also been spending lots of time in the silence/meditation in order to develop a connection with the deeper guidance.

Please join me in letting go of  likes and dislikes, and letting life call the shots.  

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Surrender Experiment

I am half way through Michael Singer's new book, The Surrender Experiment and I cannot say enough about the book.  It tells the story of Michael's spiritual journey, which involves his surrendering all personal preferences and saying "Yes" to life.  Michael refused to listen to the voice in his head which tried telling him what he liked and didn't like and to base his decisions on these personal preferences.  Instead, Michael decided to say "Yes" to what life was asking him to do.  As a result he has had an amazing journey filled with miraculous events and situations falling in to place with little effort on his part.

"I could see that it was these mental preferences that were creating much of the ongoing dialogue about how to control everything in my life. In a bold attempt to free myself from all that I decided to just stop listening to all the chatter about my personal preferences, and instead, start the willful practice of accepting what the flow of life was presenting me." (The Surrender Experiment, p. 53)

He started with the weather...accepting whatever was happening with the weather.  "Look how beautiful it's raining."

"The rules of the experiment were very simple: If life brought events in front of me, I would treat them as if they came to take me beyond myself.  If my personal self complained, I would use each opportunity to simply let him go and surrender to what life was presenting me." (p. 54)

As you will see if you read the book, Michael had great success with letting go of personal preference and letting life lead him.

I am going to give it a try and let go of personal preferences as often as possible and allow life to take the lead.  Stay tuned for more about letting life be in charge.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

quiet the mind

I thought this passage was very interesting:

"The well-disciplined mind should only speak when requested to perform a task. Untrained, the mind becomes an unruly 'on-stage' performer and a nuisance.  The self needs to learn respect for the Self and the Silence of Presence,  By observing the mind, it becomes apparent that it represents the disruptive, unruly child who constantly seeks attention.
It is usually fruitless to try to block thought or force the mind to be still without removing its motivation and pay-off.  Its motivational roots can be identified and surrendered.  It is then surprisingly possible to make a decision: just do not think about anything. This is made possible by aligning with the Infinite Silence out of which thinkingness arises.  It is located not between thoughts but just before the emergence of thoughts." (Transcending Levels of Consciousness, p. 236-237)

Peace.  Be still.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

A David Hawkins video on health

Check out this video by David Hawkins, M.D. regarding health and consciousness.


According to David it is our belief in the power of disease and a personal sense of guilt that cause illness.

I have been doing some Spring cleaning of my consciousness in order to recognize any unwanted beliefs.  Despite a significant shift in my ability to be positive as well as kind and gentle with myself and others, certain unwanted thoughts and beliefs persist. I replace these thoughts with forgiveness and compassion.

I believe that God wants the best for us at all times.  Heaven is within and as I release deep-seated negative beliefs (including the belief that God sends us certain situations in order to help us learn and grow) I can experience Heaven right here and right now.

I release the limiting beliefs and surrender my life to God knowing that God as Pure Love wants me to thrive in every area of my life.  And so it is!

Monday, May 25, 2015

a prayer

This is a prayer that I wrote based on Michelle Longo O'Donnell's teachings in The God That We've Created: The Basic Cause of All Disease.

God, I surrender my life to you each moment of every day.  Help me to release any fear related to letting go and completely trusting you with my life and my well-being.

I accept Your will and only Your will. No matter what is happening in my life, I know that you are bringing the Highest good in all areas of my life.

Help me to see what I have forgotten.  Help me to know what I need to know.  Guide me in all areas of my life.

Deliver me from human consciousness.  I am willing to give up my present sense of my life and let another sense of Life emerge.

Help me to release all resistances, fears, judgments, limiting beliefs, expectations, desires, and ideas of separation.  I let go of effort and trying to control my circumstances.

I feel what is present and release what I feel.  I fully engage in each moment and release it in order to be fully present in the next moment.

I lean into Spirit.  I align myself with Truth...that I am made in Your image and likeness and that You are my source, not this world.

I open my heart to give and receive Love.  I am Love and I am loved and so is everyone else.  We are neither worthy nor unworthy but we are Love and we are loved because we are an expression of You, an expression of Life.

Help me to release any expectations about (fill in the blank with something that you are struggling with).  I stay in this moment...opening to the Spirit of One Life that is everywhere present.  I submerge myself in God.  I accept all Good in whatever form You choose for me.

I say Yes to Your will. I accept only Your will.  I surrender and I serve You dear Lord.

With gratitude I release these words knowing that they are done according to Your will.  And so it is.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

God knows no vacuum

Moving into the Mystery means letting go of what we think is true and opening to the Divine Truth,

"God knows no vacuum.  If we remove from our mind a thought that has kept us from realizing the Presence of Spirit, then because we have provided space for it, Spirit will move into that space provided.  It will appear in whatever way or form that will correct the human condition."  (The God that We Created, p. 139)

How many limiting beliefs are we holding onto that keep us from realizing Heaven on Earth?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

the mystery

Just finished a Mutual Awakening practice with the year-long intensive group that I am working with called the Evolutionary Collective lead by Patricia Albere.   The practice brought me to a place similar to deep meditation (although my eyes were open and I was verbally sharing the experience with others).  It felt like God/Spirit had enveloped the four of us in a state of peace and there was nothing to do except surrender into the Power that had taken us.

It was a vastly different experience from living from ego and it beckons me to surrender more completely to the mysterious nature of God.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and all science.  He to whom this "emotion" is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder, or stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead.  His eyes are closed."  --Albert Einstein, Master of Both Dualistic and Nondualistic Thinking

Saturday, May 2, 2015

"And the end of that road is Peace"

Whether I am reading David Hawkins, Michael Singer, Michele Longo O'Donnell, Adyashanti or listening to Patricia Albere (who is co-founder of the Evolutionary Collective) the same message comes through...surrender.   It always comes down to surrendering my egoic positions, preferences, resistances, and expectations and opening to a Higher Truth.

Michele Longo O'Donnell talks about letting go of all preferred outcomes, being still and waiting/listening for guidance.

"You can let go of your tight grip knowing that what you surrender will come back to you in abundance...The answer from God will never hurt you, or cause you pain.  You may walk through some pretty strange places, but He will go before you to make the crooked road straight.  The goodness and abundance of God awaits you for your faithfulness to listen and follow.  Every situation will teach you and cause you to rise higher and higher into the Mind and understanding of God. And the end of that road is Peace."  (The God that We've Created: The Basic Cause of All Disease, Michele Longo O'Donnell, pp. 159-160)    

I am not in charge nor am I in control of most things that occur in my life.

I surrender to Divine Love knowing that I am being cared for, no matter what appears to be happening in my life.  I refuse to give in to egoic fears, limiting beliefs and the preferences of the separate self (which are small minded, self-centered, fear-based, judgmental, and dualistic).

I actively and repeatedly surrender my ego and I wait upon Divine Mind to show me the way home.  I am Love and I am loved, therefore, all is well in my world.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

surrendering positionality

To continue with last weeks quote:

"The resistance to emotion-free clarity is the consequence of the ego's reluctance to give up its narcissistic role of self-importance as judge and arbiter of worth and morality.The ego pretends to be pious and secretly feeds on its 'holier than thou' attitude, which is the energy it absorbs and prizes.  It fears it will diminish in worth, value and self-importance if it surrenders positionality and thus become only a servant of God instead of being God in its own secret estimation."  (Transcending Levels of Consciousness, p. 219)

This passage puts the ego into perspective and describes it in such an unflattering way that it makes me want to move into surrendering positionality.  I can see the holier than thou attitude in my thoughts a times and it is nice to know that there is a way out...

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

acceptance, a path towards peace

A quote from David Hawkins about acceptance and letting go of judgments:

"While it is obvious that there are many elements and forces in the world that are deleterious to human life and happiness, it is not  necessary to hate or demonize them but instead to merely make appropriate allowances and avoid them.  Thus, what was formerly demonized now appears to be more like bad weather, a tidal wave, or a force or nature to be reckoned with but not hated.  Life survives not by hating lightning but by avoiding where it is likely to strike...By relinquishing emotionalized judgmentalism, the way is clear to enter into harmony and peacefulness as a consequence of the decrease of the pressure of emotionality."  (Transcending Levels of Consciousness, p. 217-218)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

"I am Love and I am loved"

Michelle Longo O'Donnell says this often in  "The God that We Have Created; The Basic Cause of All Disease"

I am Love and life loves me.

That is all I really need to know.

To paraphrase Michelle:

There is no need to use human effort to get our needs met because "It is the Fathers good pleasure to give us the Kingdom."  It is not a matter or being worthy or unworthy.  I am Love and I am loved not because of anything that I have done or not done.  I am Love and I am loved because I am an expression of the Divine.  My life is an expression of God,  Since God created us out of Itself, why would God ever want to express Itself in anyway that is not perfect Love, Peace and Joy?  Anything else that is showing up in our experience is an area of darkness that is awaiting the light.

Michelle suggests that the reason we experience disease, lack, limitation etc is because we are holding onto a sense of unworthiness and an idea of God as judgmental, conditional, punishing, revengeful.  A Course in Miracles basically says the same thing.

It is hard to wrap one's head around the idea that we are completely and unconditionally worthy of pure Love, Peace, and Joy just because we are alive.  It can be difficult to completely Surrender to the Divine and Trust that we will be loved, cared for, protected, guided, and blessed with Grace. However, Surrender is exactly what we must do if we want to move into a new way of Being.

We must Surrender our judgments, fears, resentments, hurts and limiting beliefs about ourselves and others.  We must see beyond the ways that human beings often show up, and know that a Higher Truth and a Higher experience are possible.

There is an ocean of love waiting for us.  As the musician Kirtana sings "Leave the world of mind (i.e., human effort) like sandals by the shore."  Relax and let go and you will experience love as you have never imagined.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Easter week intentions

Easter represents the dying off of the old and the birth of new life.  During this Easter week I ask myself what am I being asked to let go of?  As I have sat with this question I recognize areas of my life where I have been holding onto expectations and trying to make things happen through the efforts of my ego.  I also see how peace arises when I quiet my mind and focus on the stillness within.

When I truly accept 'what is happening now' and let go of trying to make things different, it is as if I have put down my weapons and shields and I become more accessible to Spirit.  This is when transformation happens.  This is when I find clarity, direction, and harmony...through the effort of Spirit not through my effort.

During this Holy week I will continue to notice when I am caught up in expectations, desires, planning and efforting versus when I am in a state of open receptivity to what is showing up.  As I move into acceptance I will rest in the knowing that I am being taken care of and loved and nurtured by Divine Goodness and Grace.

I am in this world but I am not of this world therefore my good comes not through human effort but through Divine Will.  I can let go and allow the new life that God intends for me to take root.

Sweet Blessings during this Easter week!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Go with the flow

I love this quote by Michelle Longo O'Donnell:

Be still and silent, with the desire to feel the Presence of God. God is intelligence, wisdom, purpose, and direction, and is going in a particular flow. Get in that flow with a servant heart, and let God lead. Let God fulfill whatever purpose he has for you. When you go with the flow, your life is blessed.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

an expression of the One Life

When I live my life from ego rather than from Truth, I experience a lack of harmony, less joy and more struggle.  Ego keeps me trapped in my head. I do not check in with my heart nor do I listen to a deeper wisdom that comes from Spirit.

Michelle Longo O'Donnell talks about letting go of the separate sense of self and tuning in to a deeper wisdom:

"Realizing that our life is not 'our own' but that we have been sent here with a definite purpose is the beginning of  'entering in.'  This will cause us to give up any extreme sense of personal responsibility for our bodies (or finances or relationships...), and for the decisions we will need to make in our lives.  We will have a sense of this life as being an expression of the One Life, and then as decisions come up, we will be able to pause and ask for counsel and wisdom and direction...an know that we will receive it."  (The God That We've Created:The Basic Cause of all Disease, p. 189-190)

As I remember that God is all powerful and all good then I can let go of positionalities, desires, anxiety and worry, and any sense of personal responsibility.  As Jesus said "It is not I but the Father within me that doeth the work."  I rest with confidence, knowing that all of my needs are met.

When I notice that my ego is in control I remind myself that I am One with God.  I move into the silence and listen for God.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

roll with the punches

I love this description of David Hawkin's level of consciousness that he termed "Neutrality":

"Energy becomes very positive at the level termed Neutral because of release from the positionalities of the lower levels...Taking dualistic positions creates polarization, which then creates opposition and division...

At the Neutral level a person can say, "Well, if I don't get this job, then I'll get another."  This is the beginning of inner confidence.  When sensing one's power, one is not easily intimidated or driven to prove anything.  The expectation that life, with its ups and downs, will be basically okay if one can roll with the punches is an attitude of level 250.

People at Neutrality have a sense of well-being; the mark of this level is a confident capability to live in the world." (Transcending Levels of Consciousness, p. 197)    

Remembering that there is an inner power that will provide guidance, wisdom and all that we need can make it easier to let go of positionalities.  All of our needs are met, therefore we can relax and enjoy what is present right now.

staying oriented toward the spark of divinity within

In Resurrecting Jesus, Adya talks about Peter:

"Peter's denial is a representation of how we can turn away from our deeper nature of divine being.  We may turn out of pain, or sorrow, or betrayal, or some sort of abuse-anything in our experience that causes us to see ourselves as less than we truly are."  (Resurrecting Jesus, p.159)

First, I want to ask myself "When do I forget my deeper nature as divine being????"  This is most likely to happen when I go unconscious...when I react (even if the reaction is just in my head) from automatic pilot rather than from a place of being aware of what I am thinking and feeling.  When I keep this truth in the forefront of my mind, that my true self is a divine being, I am different. I notice my thoughts...and as we can see from the quote in last weeks post, what we think has huge implications for life.  I notice what my heart is doing and I can choose to open it if it is closed.

Intellectually I know that I am a 'divine being having a human experience' but if I do not respond to life from this truth in a moment-by-moment basis than it does not do me or anyone else any good.

"To remain oriented toward the spark of divinity within us is not always easy, and to act from that space can take great courage and faith...Peter stands for everyone who has ever turned away from the radiance, from truth, from their true being.  Peter's not a bad man or malicious.  In fact he is extraordinarily well intentioned.  But he hasn't yet found the Kingdom within himself, and so at the critical moments he's not capable of acting from the stillness of truth in a fearless way."  (Resurrecting Jesus, p.159)

This section really spoke to me.  I consider myself to be very well-intentioned.  I really want to do God's will as my life.  I really want to embody unconditional love.  And as important as it is to set these intentions, choosing to act from truth instead of recoiling in fear in the moments of my life is also crucial if I am going to be a true servant of God's will.  That means not harboring negative or judgmental thoughts about others (judgment is based on fear), being gentle with myself and others and choosing to forgive often,

It means looking at the areas of my life where I am more likely to recoil in fear and lose sight of my divine nature.  This can show up for me in situations that involve being vulnerable and closely intimate with others.  For example, when I want to protect myself (my heart) by withdrawing or hiding behind some facade (perhaps being a people-pleaser) instead of feeling the fear and showing up authentically...thus allowing the fear to move through me and the radiance of my being to shine forth.

In the big moments and the small moments I will stay oriented toward the spark of divinity within and as I do so I will move through the fear and into a way of being that is divinely inspired.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sufi quote

A powerful quote from Patricia Albere's forthcoming book:

“The realization that every act, every word, every thought of ours not only influences our environment but for some mysterious reason forms an integral and important part of the Universe, fits into it as if by necessity so to say, in the very moment we do, or say, or think it - is an overwhelming and even shattering experience. The tremendous responsibility of it is terrifying. If all of us only knew that the smallest act of ours, or a tiny thought, has such far-reaching effects as to set in motion forces which perhaps could shatter a galaxy…

If we know it deeply and absolutely, if this realization becomes engraved permanently on our hearts, on our minds, how careful we would act and speak and think. How precious life would become in its integral oneness.” 

~Irina Tweedie, Sufi Teacher and Mystic

Friday, February 20, 2015

open to your deepest experience of being

Lately I have been working with surrender and letting go, witnessing, Truth, and Love. There is a way of being in life that allows one to express Love...Absolute Love, unbounded Love...regardless of conditions.  The practice is to feel through whatever one is experiencing in a surrendered and open way.  It is to allow oneself to be witness to thoughts, feelings and experiences as they arise without attaching to them.  And simultaneously seeking or allowing oneself to connect with the Source of Love, to emanate from this place of Love even in the midst of pain, anger, fear, conflict, disappointment...  Sometimes I rest as the neutral witness and observe my inner and outer world.  Other times I feel through an experience, whether it be one of love or some negative state, and open to a deeper awareness of Self as Love.

I have been reading a delicious and profound book called "Finding God through Sex" by David Deida which describes this process.  David talks about using relationships as spiritual practice...engaging in intimate relationships in a way that allows you to move through blockages (emotional, sexual and spiritual) and surrender into Love...unbounded, Divine Love experienced as the Truth of your Being.  

"With practice, we relax as an openness that is not dependent on conditions.  As beginners, it is easier to relax as openness under certain conditions- such as during meditation, in beautiful natural surroundings, feeling the unconditional love of our children, or during fantastic sex with an adoring lover-but these are only portals into a depth that is always here, that is our true nature regardless of conditions.  We might realize this depth and enjoy its bliss in moments of grace or when conditions are just right, but then we can practice realizing this depth over and over, when things are good or bad.  The story of Jesus says that his heart was wide open in love even while being crucified. Tibetan monks in prison and Jews in concentration camps have reported deep compassion and spiritual openness while enduring the most excruciating tortures.  One measure of your depth of spiritual practice is this: Throughout what range of conditions do you remain aware of and relaxed as the openness of your deepest being?" (Finding God Through Sex, p. 119-120)

Relax into each moment knowing that the experience of the egoic self is not Absolute Truth.  Lean into the experience anyway.  Relax and open to your deepest being.  Allow yourself to open so far that you fall into the Abyss of Divine Love that is waiting for you.  With practice you will lose your (limited) self, but you will find your deepest Self in all of its divinity and glory.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

the secret of the ascent

The quote in my last post talked about the spiritual path as one of letting go of the blockages to our True Essence or the Presence of God within us.  I was having difficulty letting go of a situation this week and I decided to re-read chapter 8 of The Untethered Soul "Let go now or fall."  This chapter talks about how our blockages are all linked to fear.

We cling to how we want life to be or think life should be because of fear. "You try to create a world that doesn't stimulate your fears." (The Untethered Soul, p. 71)

"Life creates situations that push you to your edges, all with the effect of removing what is blocked inside of you." (TUS, p. 73)

"The purpose of spiritual evolution is to remove the blockages that cause you fear."  (TUS, p. 73)

"Life is surrounding you with people and situations that stimulate growth...You only have to be willing to open your heart in the face of anything and everything, and permit the purification process to take place." (TUS, p. 74)

It is possible to live without fear.  All problems would disappear if we had no fear.

To let go "First you must be aware that there is something within you that needs to be released. You must then be aware that you, the one who notices the stuff coming up, are distinct from what you're experiencing."  (TUS, p. 75)  Let go from the seat of the witness.

I have been practicing this...feeling into discomfort, setting the intention to let go of what needs to be released, putting my awareness on the observer/witness self, relaxing my body and allowing the blockage or stored energy to be released.  In one of the situations as I was feeling the fear and relaxing, the fear informed me that I need to make a change in a situation that I was involved with.  I had taken on something at work that was not mine to do and the fear informed me that I needed to say "no."  

In other situations the feelings moved through me as I moved my awareness to the observer self and set the intention to let them go.  And in some other situations it was much harder to let go.

I am doing a year-long intensive with the Evolutionary Collective (Patricia Albere) and this work focuses on letting go completely into the unknown...trusting Divinity to guide, support, and catch us when we let go.  I have set the intention to let go and fall into the abyss of Divine Love so that Spirit can use me for God's will, not my own.  This can be a challenge as my blockages arise and cause me discomfort.   It requires moment by moment dedication to letting go of the personal will and accepting divine will...it is a process that is well worth the effort.    

"If you let go, and permit the purification process to take place inside, that blocked energy will be released.  When it's released and allowed to flow up, it becomes purified and merges back into your center of consciousness.  This energy then strengthens instead of weakening you.  You begin to go up and up, higher and higher, and you learn the secret of the ascent.  The secret of the ascent is to never look down-always look up...No matter what goes on below, open your heart and let it go." (TUS, p. 78)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Presence within is to be welcomed and loved

"Realization of the Self is neither a gain nor an acquisition. It is the Realization that unfolds of its own when the obstructions are surrendered or removed...As the clouds in the sky fade away, the sun shines forth on its own.  The Presence within is to be welcomed, loved, and not feared for it is ultimately benign and reveals the transformative power of Love."  (Trsanscending Levels of Consciousness, p. 367)

I love this passage because it reminds me that there is nothing to fear in surrendering to God.  I can trust that I will be taken care of and supported.  When I find myself clinging to certain desires, expectations, and outcomes I remind myself that I have nothing to gain nor lose...that my Self is already blessed with all that I need.  I remind myself that there is a benign Presence that knows my needs even better than I know my needs.  

As I put my awareness on this Truth, I feel uplifted and the pull to attach to egoic thoughts and perceptions slips away.   There is a Light calling to us...wanting to be known intimately by each of us.  Will you welcome this Light or will you shut it out by clinging to what the self thinks it needs?   

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Spiritual Evolution and Surrender

"Spiritual evolution is the automatic consequence of watching the mind and its proclivities as an 'it' from the general viewpoint of the paradigm of context rather than content.  Instead of trying to force change, it is merely necessary to allow Divinity to do so by deeply surrendering all control, resistance, and illusions of gain or loss,  It is not necessary to destroy or attack illusions but merely to allow them to fall away.  It is not necessary or fruitful to use force by such mechanisms as guilt nor is it necessary to try to pursue or propel spiritual evolution because it automatically evolves of its own accord when the obstacles and resistance of illusions are surrendered."  (Transcending Levels of Consciousness, p. 356)

I have been especially focused on letting go of illusions of gain or loss.  This idea of loss or gain for the personal self seems to be tied to everything.  It is as if every idea must be processed through the ego's filter (i.e., will this be a good thing or a bad thing for me?) before I come to some kind of conclusion or judgment. Unless one is aware of this propensity, preserving the limited, egoic self seems to be of primary concern.  Truly an addiction.

The 12-Step program comes to mind with regard to letting go of the illusions of gain or loss, especially the first 3 steps:

1. I am powerless over my personal self, my life has become unmanageable
2. I became willing to accept that there is a power greater than me that can restore me to sanity.
3.  I became willing to turn my will and my life over to this power.

There is great relief in this kind of surrender, and at the same time there can be discomfort...the discomfort of feeling uncertain about the future (if I am not controlling things then who will?), doubt, fear of loss...

Trusting God to be there as one let's go is what the 12-Step program, as well as the mystical and metaphysical paths are all about.

Most of us have had personal experiences where we have connected with the Divine.  We have developed Faith in this 'Power which is greater than us' and we can use this Trust and Faith to    
set ourselves free to an even greater extent.  Each time the illusion of loss or gain arises let it go and watch as Divinity takes over.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Make one's life a living prayer

David Hawkins lists 10 tools for living, one of which is: "Make one's life a living prayer by intention, alignment, humility, and surrender.  True spiritual reality is actually a way of being in the world."  (Transcending Levels of Consciousness, p. 336)

When I am experiencing a challenge, reminding myself of my spiritual intention helps me to stay centered and gives me the resolve to respond from my highest Self.  Aligning with Truth and surrendering to God's Will in every situation brings forth a much better outcome than if I were to rely on the thinking mind...the consciousness which created a problem can not be expected to fix the problem.  And finally, having the humility to know that "It is not I but the Father within me that doeth the work" keeps me from attaching to my egoic self.

I love this idea of making my life a living prayer.  In each and every moment I have the opportunity to open myself to a higher consciousness and this shift in my energy has a positive effect on the consciousness of our world.  Thank you God.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

David Hawkin's quotes and last call for Friday's group

"The progression of the evolution of consciousness is accelerated by the combination of intention plus attention...As demonstrated by the Map of Consciousness (see last weeks post), the calibrated power (of each state) increases logarithmically; thus, spiritual evolution is progressively facilitated by the higher levels of spiritual advancement as compared to the consciousness of the scientific observer...  The influence of spiritual intention can therefore be over one thousand times stronger than ordinary intellectual effort." (Transcending Levels of Consciousness, p. 311)

I am looking to add a couple of more people to the Friday group.  This quote speaks to the purpose of the group which is to set one's spiritual intention, not in some future capacity but instead to identify the deepest spiritual intention to bring to each moment.  We will then focus on ways to bring this intention to the forefront on one's attention throughout the week.  I will provide teachings from a Spiritual Master each week (e.g., Adyashanti, David Hawkins, Richard Rohr, Michael Singer etc.) and we will engage in conversation and spiritual practices to support the unfolding of one's spiritual intention.

David Hawkins so beautifully lays out several "techniques" for evolving one's consciousness which will be woven into the group experience:

"Surrender every moment to God, including all attractions, aversions, or desires for control or gain.
Choose to be unconditionally compassionate and forgiving to all of life in all its expressions.
Choose to see the beauty, perfection, and sacredness of all life." (Transcending Levels of Consciousness, p. 323)

If this speaks to you, please let me know as soon as possible that you are interested in joining the group.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

the Void

David Hawkins has a map of consciousness that consists of lower "egoic" states of consciousness (e.g., shame, fear, desire, anger, pride...) and higher states of consciousness (e.g., courage, acceptance, reason, love, unconditional love, peace, Self-Realization...)

In the following quote David is talking about transcending "higher" levels of consciousness although I think this can be applied to transcending all levels of consciousness:

"The surrender of identification with each state releases it, including letting go of any attachment to its familiarity."  Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, p. 293

At times I am thrilled to surrender identification with the egoic states of consciousness.  Letting go of this very familiar albeit flawed self allows me to experience a sense of Joy, Love and freedom without limits.  Alternatively, there are times when I cling to this illusory self that I have created like someone who is drowning clings to a life preserver.  Letting go can seem like falling into a void of nothingness.  And in a sense this seems to be what happens...as it has been said by those who have moved into the higher states of consciousness "I am nothing and I am everything."

As a serious student of spiritual transformation I think it is important to stay attuned to my process and to always choose to surrender.  Even when the fear of 'what will come next if I let go of the familiar?' arises, I choose to let go.  The alternative is to stay small.  This would be like never leaving your hometown because of the fear of what is beyond it.  I trust God and I trust the process of life to carry me as I let go of my limiting thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and perceptions, including the desire to have it all figured out.  I do not know what lies ahead beyond the confines of this self...it is a mystery and I choose to dive into this void.      

Monday, January 5, 2015

Spiritual Transformation Group - updated

I have added another meeting with a different day and location.  See below.

Spiritual Transformation Group

Set your spiritual intention for the year

Discover the blocks to achieving your goals

Engage in spiritual practices that open you to higher states of consciousness

Support one another in this process


Each weekly session will include a short meditation, presentation of information, sharing by group members, and a soul-to-soul connection exercise

Two different groups are being offered.  One group is on Tuesdays at 10:00AM in Mission Viejo starting January 13th.  A second group is on Fridays at 4:30PM in Laguna Hills beginning on January 16th.

The cost is $35 per week

Please contact Donna McCullough, PhD for further information or to register for the group (949) 246-7724 or donnamccullough@cox.net

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Spiritual Transformation Group

Here is information about a group that I am starting in Orange County:

Spiritual Transformation Group

Set your spiritual intention for the year
Discover the blocks to achieving your goals
Engage in spiritual practices that open you to higher states of consciousness
Support one another in this process


Each weekly session will include a short meditation, presentation of information, sharing by group members, and a soul-to-soul connection exercise
The group will meet on Tuesdays at 10:00AM for 6 weeks in Mission Viejo starting January 13th
The cost is $35 per week
Please contact Donna McCullough, PhD for further information or to register for the group (949) 246-7724

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New You!

While doing a spiritual practice called "Mutual Awakening" recently with a friend, I experienced a sense of Joy that comes when we let go of the egoic identity.  I experienced a taste of what it is like to live life without being attached to the egoic mind.  As attachment to the mind fell away, there was a lightness which felt free and Joyful.

My New Year's resolution is to continue this process of letting go of the heaviness of the psyche/ego and move into a greater sense of Joy.

Here is what David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. has to say about Joy:

"As Love becomes increasingly unconditional, it begins to be experienced as inner Joy.  This is not the sudden joy of a pleasurable turn of events but instead is a constant accompaniment to all activities.  Joy arises from within each moment of existence rather than from any outer source."  Transcending The Levels of Consciousness, p. 257.

Love and Joy are our natural states and as we let go of the identity that we have created we experience these Higher states.

We can facilitate the letting go by setting the intention to let go.  I also find it helpful to stay grounded in the body as I am doing this process.  We hold onto emotional energy in our bodies and by relaxing our physical bodies it is easier to let go of the emotions.  I heard a Minister (Rev. Carolyne at Unity of Tustin) say that we can prepare ourselves to let go, and then Spirit does the rest. We prepare ourselves with the intention to let go and by relaxing, and, Spirit does the rest.

My experience during the Mutual Awakening practice showed me how much freer and Joyful life is without the constant attachment to Ego.

During this time of new beginnings join me in stepping into a New You...a You that allows the Joy and Love to well up from within...a You that does not rely on what is happening in your life to feed your sense of well being... a You that already knows and feels that all is well.  I truly believe that God intended for each of us to live a life filled with Joy and Love. Join me in saying "Yes" to a life filled with Love and Joy in this New Year.

P.S., For those of you who live in Orange County, I am going to be starting a "Transformation Group" in the next two weeks.  I will be posting more details on the blog and will be sending out an email to those of you on my email list.